Monday, March 22, 2010

America is over

America has come to an end. Our freedoms, our way of life, our liberties are officially over. As citizens of the United States of America, we have let our founding fathers down. We have demoralized the sacrifices that our brothers and sisters made during the Revolutionary War, the war of 1812, the Civil war and those that came after. As we all hang our head in shame, as we should, we only have ourselves to blame. We were in trusted with what could have been, and was the greatest nation on earth, and we abandoned it in favor of selfishness, greed and the idea of “me”.

Read the Battle Plan

As our country becomes more socialized, and the federal government, along with the state governments become more controlling over there citizens one has to ask, do the American people have any spirit left? Is there any American spirit left to bring about the revolution that is needed to end this idea of socialism in America?

I look to the constitution that hangs on my wall, and I hang my head in shame, at what a travesty this county has become. The world mocks us, they no longer fear us, and they no longer look to us for help or support. We have become a laughing stock to the world. The weight that we carried in the world has gone away. We have borrowed so much money from China, that they have the ability to shut our economy down, if they want to. What we have not borrowed we have printed, which has only flooded the market with money which has caused the price of goods to go up.

Read the Battle Plan

I would like to think that I see a glimmer of hope, in the idea that the states will regain their freedoms from the federal government, but it is still a long road ahead, in order to beat back the monster that is the Federal Government.

When politicians decide to make a career out of living off of the tax payers, then they are no longer representatives of their districts. They become obsessed with getting reelected, rather than looking out for the nation’s interest.

What we need, is a battle plan. The battle plan needs to be laid out to show how the American people will retake control of their state governments, and through their state governments, they will need to take control of the federal government.

Battle plans change as new information is divulged, but the idea of winning, does not. This may not be the winning battle plan, but I believe this is a good start to regaining our Freedoms, and our Liberties. We must put an end to socialism, and to the tyranny that is the federal government. We must fight back before it is too late, and before we become the United Socialist Republic of America.

Read the Battle Plan

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